Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Last Morning

Hello Everyone,

Since Grandma said last night that she liked my last post, I decided
that I'd do another one on our last day in Brazil. I was halfway
through typing it, though, and the iPhone erased it. Ugh. No problem
though. Lots of tidbits to share with you--first, some updates on Pop.
1. He hasn't been taking his malaria medicine because he says it
tastes weird and gives him bad dreams. Anthony (hi, Anthony) told me
yesterday about a good friend of his that got Malaria this summer
while visiting Tanzania. Maybe that will make Pop want to take his
2. Pop enjoyed his last caffeine of 2008 in a coffee shop yesterday.
Why no caffeine, Pop? He feels better without it, he says.
Now on to other updates. Arthur is making an awesome podcast about São
Paulo Soccer to practice his English and bring coverage to his fans in
America (namely, us...until he becomes a superstar, anyway). Make sure
to subscribe:

Updates about me? Today, the US women's Olympic gymnastics team is
training at the gym where I work while on its way to Beijing.. So so
SO sad I'm missing it. Things I miss from home: Mom, Ryan, Anthony,
family, friends, frozen yogurt (particularly of the graham cracker
cheesecake variety), working out at Courtside, snail mail.

We have met a lot of cool people here. We met newlyweds Carla and
Fernando in the Amazon, Barbara from Madrid, another Arthur from
Noronha, Luis and Andrea from Rio...I wonder if you guys have found
your way to the blog.

The best part of our trip has been spending time with Suzy, Carl, Art,
and Aline. Thank you thank you thank you for making this trip such a

To all of you reading this: you are probably on the list of '26 people
I need to make lunch dates with before I leave for college on
September 20th'. Call me up after August 11th so we can start making

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